micro switches in garbage cleaners

The application of micro switches in garbage cleaners has the following aspects:

Safety protection: Garbage cleaners are usually equipped with electric motors, and micro switches can be used as safety switches to control the running and stopping of the motor. When the lid of the garbage collector is opened, the micro switch automatically triggers the shut-off motor to prevent accidental injury.

Operation control: Micro switch can be used to control the operation and stop of the garbage cleaner. When the lid of the garbage collector is closed, the micro switch automatically triggers the starter motor to start the garbage collector. When the cover is opened again, the micro switch will interrupt the circuit and stop the motor.

Volume detection: Micro switch can be used to detect the volume of the garbage cleaner. When the capacity of the garbage cleaner reaches a certain level, the micro switch will be triggered, sending a warning signal to the user that the garbage needs to be emptied.

In short, the micro switch plays a role in safety protection, operation control and volume detection on the garbage cleaner, making the garbage cleaner more intelligent and user-friendly.


Post time: Nov-18-2023