Micro switch development history

We live in a world where there are many smiling parts, like screws in a giant machine, inconspicuous but significant. The micro switch is such a “screw” that has made great contributions to improving our quality of life.
1. Understand the micro switch
The micro switch is also called a sensitive switch. It is a switch that achieves rapid switching by applying pressure. Because the contact distance of the switch is relatively small, the action service is minimal during operation, hence the name. It also has its own exclusivesymbol in the electrical text, denoted as SM.
2. How it works
In fact, it is the working principle of the micro switch. In fact, a simple understanding is that the force is applied to the action reed through transmission elements such as buttons, levers, and rollers. When the displacement of the reed reaches a critical point, an instantaneous action will occur, making the end of the action reed. The movable contact and the fixed contact are quickly linked or separated. You can recall the feeling when we turn on the light and press the switch. The moment the light turns on and off is the process of the micro switch working.
3. Types of micro switches
With the increasing application in production and life, the demand for micro switches has increased, the types of micro switches have increased rapidly, and there are hundreds of internal structures. They can be divided into ordinary type, small type and ultra-small type according to their volume; they can be divided into waterproof type, dustproof type and explosion-proof type according to their protective performance; they can be divided into single type, double type, multi-type and so on according to the segmented form. .
If you observe our lives carefully, you will find that micro switches are connected in series with your daily life, from the first cup of hot soy milk in the morning to the last little movement of turning off the lights at night, there are countless moments every day, in fact, there are micro-moves The switch is involved.


Post time: May-21-2022